
"All the time I'm not writing I feel like a criminal." -Fran Lebowitz

Sunday, November 9, 2014

#RogueTripPlaylette - 09.11.2014


(BILL walks down the street, Vietnamese coffee with milk in hand. It looks like rain again. A STREET MERCHANT WOMAN, 50s, approaches. She wears a grey smock over loose brown pants and a straw conical hat. She carries a long pole over one shoulder. Both ends of said pole hold a large, open box. Each box contains a mass of trinkets. The merchant waves at Bill, who stops. He takes a sip of coffee.)

BILL: (before the merchant comes to halt in front of him) No, thank you. No, thank you.

(The merchant comes to a halt in front of him. With her free hand, she points at the mass of woven bracelets in one of the boxes on her pole.)

BILL: No, thank you.

(The merchant points at a mass of leather wallets in a box.)

BILL: No, thank you.

(The merchant points at a mass of paper wallets in the other box.)

BILL: (shrugging, smiling) No, thank you.

(The merchant points at a bunch of watches in one box.)

BILL: (laughing now) No, thank you.

(The merchant smiles. She points at a bunch of chintzy hand fans in another box.)

BILL: (laughing louder) No, thank you.

(The merchant smiles again. She looks at her boxes. She’s out of options. She looks at Bill.)

BILL: No, thank you. But thank you.

(Bill smiles. The merchant smiles. Bill turns to walk away, and sees a SECOND MERCHANT, with her own smock, her own conical hat, her own pole and boxes attached to her own said pole, sitting on a stoop. The second merchant laughs and points at the first merchant. The first merchant shrugs - “Whaddya want from me?” - and points at Bill. Bill points at her.)

FIRST MERCHANT: (imitating Bill) No, thank you.

SECOND MERCHANT: No, thank you.

(All laugh. Bill takes another sip of his coffee. He waves at each merchant separately and walks away.)