
"All the time I'm not writing I feel like a criminal." -Fran Lebowitz

Monday, April 6, 2015

Friday, April 3, 2015

#RogueTripSOTD - 03.04.2015

International Arrivals, San Antonio International Airport, San Antonio, Texas,
United States of America - 03.04.2015, 4p

#RogueTripPOTD - 03.04.2015

San Antonio, Texas, United States of America - 03.04.2015, 4p

#RogueTripPlaylette 03.04.2015 - "Re-Entry"

(Motioned from the head of the line, BILL approaches the CUSTOM AGENT, sitting behind his kiosk. Bill hands over his passport and his United States Customs Declaration Form.)
BILL: How’re you doing?
AGENT: Good, good. How’re you?
BILL: I am fine.
(The agent looks at Bill’s passport, then runs it through the scanner.)
AGENT: What brought you to Mexico? Business or pleasure?
BILL: Pleasure. Actually the end of traveling-
AGENT: Uh-huh.
(The agent thumbs through Bill’s passport.)
AGENT: You know, if you travel this much, you should look into our Global Entry Program.
(He searches and finds a business card and hands it to Bill.)
AGENT: It’s really useful for people who travel a lot. You can just go to one of the automatic kiosks and process yourself right through. You should think about it.
BILL: Yeah, thanks a lot. I’ve been traveling for nine straight months, though. I don’t think I’m gonna be traveling much more in the near future. It was amazing but I'm probably gonna take a break for a little bit.
AGENT: You should really look into it; it’s a great program.
BILL: Cool. I’ll look into it.
BILL: Oh, is that it?
AGENT: Yup. Take care.
(Bill walks away from the kiosk, and back into the United States of America.)