UPDATE 10.08.2014 : Well, the WiFi in Alice Springs was worse than I thought, as this never posted. (shrug) Here it is now...
I already knew exactly where I was spending the night in Adelaide, Australia. I had reserved it through AirBnB and stayed there already a couple of weeks ago, for two nights. So I was familiar already with the area and with my hosts. The familiarity relieved me. I've found I'm still getting disoriented as I'm on the road for these many, many days in a row. Anything that’s familiar becomes ballast that soothes me - a city I've been to, a public transportation system I know, a house I've slept in.
I pointed under the desk in the living room, where the actual owner of the house was now laid out on its belly, sleeping. “Please confirm for me, that that is your cat.”